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New Release + Excerpt + Giveaway: THE AFFILIATE (The Ascension #1) by KA Linde

The Affiliate RDL bannerToday is release day for K.A. Linde’s The Affiliate. I am so excited about this new young adult fantasy! If you are looking for a new fantasy series to dive into, check this one out! Grab your copy and check out the excerpt and giveaway K.A. is sharing with us. You will not want to miss out! 

TA Amazon

The Affiliate
The Ascension #1
K.A. Linde
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Release Date: September 15, 2015

On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm’s lifelong plans come to fruition when she’s chosen as an Affiliate to the Queen.

Or so she thinks. When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene’s position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have…

King Edric himself.

Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom. Find out in this first book in USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s new Ascension series.

Untitled design (3)You can purchase your copy today at the retailers listed below!

Goodreads | Amazon | iBooks

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excerpt alert“I see the way you look at her, Edric. Your eyes follow her, you dance the longest dances with her, and now, you’re sending her presents. I’ve known you too long not to know that this is unlike you. You’re not Kael. You don’t fraternize with the Affiliates who parade themselves in front of you, hoping for a scrap of your time. Yet here you are with this Cyrene. What is she to you?” Daufina asked.

At her question, Edric paced the long room. She watched him through the silence and wondered what he was thinking.

“You told me once that you would inform me if you wanted to take a mistress—”

“I do not want to take a mistress,” Edric snapped.

Daufina straightened in surprise. He never raised his voice with her.

“I apologize,” he said with a sigh. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Just talk to me.”

“Would you believe me if I said that I didn’t want anything to do with her?” His eyes were pleading.

“No,” Daufina admitted.

“No,” he agreed. “No, I wouldn’t either. I keep telling myself that I’m acting like a fool, Daufina, but then I see her again.” He stroked his chin as he tried to find the words. “She has this pull. When I’m with her, the throne slips away, and I’m just a man with a beautiful woman. It both intrigues and terrifies me.” He splayed his hands before him. “I can never be anything but the king…but when I’m with her, I want to be.”

giveaway finalTo celebrate the new release of The Affiliate, KA Linde is hosting an awesome giveaway! For your chance to win a $100 Amazon GiftCard (that’s right, $100), enter this Rafflecopter giveaway! Just follow the instructions listed for your chance to win! Don’t miss out. Good luck!


kalinde copyUSA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde is the author of The Affiliate, the first book in the Ascension Series. As a military brat, she traveled the world with her family, imaginary friends, and ever-increasing supply of books. She has spent much of her life dreaming up new worlds and characters and forcing them into uncomfortable, usually life-threatening scenarios. After graduating from the University of Georgia with a masters degree in political science, she began spending every waking hour putting those characters onto paper.

When not writing, she spends her time dancing, collecting paperbacks in the hopes of filling a Beauty and the Beast style library one day, traveling to visit her friends who live all over the country, and still reading anything she can get her hands on. She currently resides in North Carolina with her husband and two puppies, Lucy and Riker, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

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Cover Reveal: Take Me With You (Take Me #2) by K.A. Linde

Happy Wednesday! Who is ready for a cover reveal? I am excited to share with you all the cover for Take Me With You, the second installment of the Take Me Series by K. A. Linde! This book will hit the stands on January 27, 2015. Make sure to add it to your TBR pile today! I really like this cover!! Check it out!

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Cover Designed by Najla Qamber Designs (Facebook | Website)


All of my demons are coming to head.
I thought Ari could push them back.
I thought I could conquer my vices with her at my side.
I thought wrong.

Fear is my new constant.
I thought I could conceal it, contain it, control it.
I thought that now that I had Grant the worst was over.
I thought wrong.

But if we’re going to survive, wherever you go…take me with you.

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I’d never given much thought to falling in love. For someone like me, it seemed an impossibility. Why dwell on something that would never happen? I had no interest in chicks for more than what they could give me in one night. Fuck ‘em and then show ‘em the door. There were always clinger groupies, who claimed to love me. But they loved what I could offer them. Sex. A one-night stand. A story to tell their friends about how they slept with a rocker. With Grant McDermott. I was a name. A symbol. Nothing more.

take me with you cover reveal teaser

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Check out more about the first book in the Take Me Series, TAKE ME FOR GRANTED, and see where the love story began…

Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads

Take Me With you Series

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ABOUT THE AUTHORKA LindeNEW USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde has written the Avoiding series and the Record series as well as the new adult novels Following Me and Take Me for Granted. She grew up as a military brat traveling the United States and Australia. While studying political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia, she founded the Georgia Dance Team, which she still coaches. Post-graduation, she served as the campus campaign director for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An avid traveler, reader, and bargain hunter, K.A. lives in Athens, Georgia, with her fiancé and two puppies, Riker and Lucy.

For more about KA Linde, check out her social media sites listed below!
Facebook | Website | Twitter